Customized Leadership Development Gets Results

BL Companies is a leader in delivering high-quality, integrated architecture, engineering and environmental services to public and private clients for land development, building design, and infrastructure projects.

Number of Employees: 
Client Since: 
Services Delivered: 
  • Customized Leadership Development
  • ESOP Communications and Education
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Strategic Planning

BL Companies provides high-quality, integrated services relating to architecture, engineering, environmental, land surveying, and consulting to public and private sector clients. They have office locations in Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Goals of Engagement

• Define the knowledge and skills the company needed to excel financially and to create a culture of open communication, accountability, responsibility and ownership

• Design and conduct a series of educational retreats, which offered high-relevance training on styles of leadership, effective communication, and goal-setting

• Develop the team of top leaders into a high-performing, strategically oriented group

• Deliver one-on-one coaching for key leaders to learn more about their leadership style, the impact of their behavior on others, and concrete means to improve their leadership performance

• Create continuing learning groups, where participants can have ongoing interaction with top leaders and learn about ways to deepen their leadership effectiveness

• Design and conduct annual planning retreats to develop and implement BL’s business strategy

• Design and deliver a communications program on the ESOP and how to create an ownership culture

The Result

• Created a clearly articulated and widely understood competency model that defines leadership success behaviors for BL Companies

• Realized measurable improvement of knowledge and skill among top leaders on key leadership competencies that enabled the company to achieve strategic goals

• Established an effective and resilient leadership team able to successfully navigate the company through the economic downturn

• Developed a strategic plan to guide the company’s internal operations and external business development

• Generated broad understanding across the company of the ESOP and each employee’s role in creating an ownership culture

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