
March 19, 2024

Pennsylvania/Delaware Chapter - 2024 Spring Conference

Kathleen McInerney Kane, Jon Sweigart, Lindsay Shafer, and Matt Hancock are attending this event.

Kathleen and Maryann Gallivan will be presenting in the session, Responsible Leadership Succession: Safeguarding Your ESOP. The session will discuss the importance of a clear, transparent, and accessible succession process that considers the future direction of the company. It will share necessary process steps, including involving the right people in the succession conversation, developing internal leaders or conducting external searches, and guarding against the flight of key leaders.

Jon's session is titled Act More Like an Owner -- But Check with Me First! This presentation explores how leaders can create an environment that empowers employees to take ownership of their work. The session focuses on participatory management and supervision to encourage employee participation and improve business literacy and continuous improvement skills.

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