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As experts in our field, we publish articles and host webinars on building effective workplace cultures and leadership structures.

Involve Employee Owners in Strategic Planning

Explore case studies of companies that have used a broad-based planning process to develop their strategy and their culture at the same time.

Strategic Planning
Linshuang Lu, MSOD
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Succession Planning for Long Term Sustainability

A succession plan should spell out a process that identifies and develops those who, with time and the right experiences, could be ready to move into not only the CEO role, but other key roles within the organization.

Leadership Development & Succession Planning
Ginny Vanderslice, PhD
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Developing Leaders at All Levels: A Key for Ownership Culture

So many of the behaviors we associate with ownership — modeling a positive attitude, collaborating, generating ideas for improvement, taking responsibility for the work of the team — reflect good leadership.

Leadership Development & Succession Planning
Linshuang Lu, MSOD
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Ownership Culture and the Italian Employee Ownership Experience

Alex Moss recently interviewed Matt Hancock about Matt’s experience working in the Italian employee-ownership sector.

Ownership Culture
Matthew Hancock, MBA
Alexander Moss, MPPM
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Talent Management in an Ownership Culture

Talent management offers a useful strategic framework for organizations serious about developing ownership behaviors across the employee lifecycle. This article describes elements of talent management with emphasis on their connection to ownership culture.

Leadership Development & Succession Planning
Jon Sweigart, MSS
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How Senior Leaders Can Enhance the Impact of Communications Committees

A company’s culture is built by the actions, words, and values of its leaders.

Employee Ownership Committees
Linshuang Lu, MSOD
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Leadership Challenges in ESOP Companies

Effective ESOP leadership is different than effective leadership in companies with more traditional ownership structures. The opportunities are greater and so are the challenges. Leaders in all companies need the basics of business acumen, strategic perspective, market awareness, and the ability to develop and communicate a compelling vision.

Leadership Development & Succession Planning
Ginny Vanderslice, PhD
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Building High Trust Workplaces

How can employee trust in an ESOP be increased over time?

Ownership Culture
Linshuang Lu, MSOD
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Strategies of Successful Leadership Teams

Learn six strategies to strengthen a leadership team in complex, dynamic environments.

Leadership Development & Succession Planning
Kathleen McInerney Kane
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How We Work Here: Introducing New Employees to Your Culture

Understanding and connecting to a company's culture can encourage an employee’s engagement and commitment to the firm.

Ownership Culture
Ginny Vanderslice, PhD
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Inside the BL Companies ESOP Committee

Learning about other companies' experiences can be an effective way to gain valuable ideas and guidance on setting up a new communications committee, or to revive an existing one.

Employee Ownership Committees
Linshuang Lu, MSOD
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Governance Issues and Best Practices in Professional Services Firms

This white paper outlines governance issues, options, and best practices in privately-held professional service firms.

Ginny Vanderslice, PhD
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